February 08, 2004

feb 2004

[020204] Tiny e dumb cat, Bugis Junction:


[020204] 4 jian girls + lotsa dao (& a few jian) guys:

240104 240104a

[040204] Science canteen kitten - taken when Gaurav & I spent some time cat-watching:


Who is rich? Someone who realises that he has enough
- Ben Franklin

[080204] my new curtains....


& e ugly prison window grilles that they hide....


decided to get new curtains now that I have a 'permanent' room in this house after living in it for ~9.5 years. 200 free Zo cards collected over e years + ~$2.00 worth of scotchtape + 1 hole puncher later....a BIG FAT SHOCK for my parents *grin* my curtains advertise e following: Nescafe, Absolut Vodka (love their creative ads!!), Apple iPod, Kit Chan's musical production 'Forbidden City', Singapore Art Museum's Rodin sculpture exhibition, Republic of Singapore Navy's contest for naming their new ships, Fruit Tree apple & aloe vera, peach & orange juice, NDP 2002, Mitsubishi cars, some holiday resort in Bintan, tourism in Australia, 'Positive Lives' HIV awareness campaign, The Economist, Volvo cars, Sharp AQUOS LCD TVs, some credit card which I forgot, & lots more =)

[130306 update] new curtains again

[080204] close to midnight on e 8th day of e 1st month of e Lunar calendar (290104) - 'bai tii kong' (bai4 tian1 gong1):

290104 290104a

realised how little I know about this tradition, like what e two candles right at e front are for, & why there has to be entire 'stalks' of sugarcane (leaves & all, which at approx 3m in length makes it kinda hard to carry back from e market) among e offerings

[ filed under: 9_lives_2004 + thewonderingstraycat + cats1 + art1 ]

January 27, 2004

jan 2004

[010104] e view from my lab....through windows that haven't been washed since e building was built:

[ click on image for larger version ]

[020104] once upon a long ago time, would have almost teared while reading this. now no longer give a damn anymore. given up so long ago, even whatever bitterness there might have been would have long faded into oblivion. last line sums up so succintly what has been felt since secondary school days. e part about feedback-gathering sounds so painfully familiar. as once discussed with [Wulfe], to be a sentient being, to have a thinking mind....can be as good as a curse on those who live in this little red dot.

[050104] finally recalled what should be e first two movies that I watched in this life. e first time I'd ever been to a cinema was to watch The Killing Fields (1984) with my parents. was in kindergarten then, & can recall sitting on e floor of some old cinema in Bedok Central, but only one scene still remains in my mind - that of e lead actor, Haing S. Ngor, eating a live wriggling lizard (yup my fascination with lizards dates THAT far back *grin*). understood e movie only years later, when I read a condensed version of Haing Ngor's account of his experience during e Pol Pot regime & communist takeover of Cambodia by e Khmer Rouge. sad to say, he was shot dead in e USA some years ago. e other movie was Cry Freedom (1987), about apartheid in South Africa. looking at e kind of movies being released these days, these two old films seem so incredibly heavy going....but guess they can serve e purpose of reminding man of his past cruelty. history repeats itself when memory of past mistakes fades.

[070104] one of e 2 Science canteen kittens:


cat spotter = WHY
photographer & victim of staring incident = man-maid

[070104] hui2 jia1 - bus journey home on a full moon night, as seen from e upper deck of a superbus:

h1 h2

[1] junction of Pasir Panjang Road & Heng Mui Keng Terrace [2] junction of Kampong Bahru Road & Telok Blangah Road

h3 h4

[3] junction of Anson Road & Maxwell Road [4] Lau Pa Sat at junction of Boon Tat Street & Robinson Road

h5 h6

[5] Durian + Esplanade Bridge [6] Suntec City at junction of Bras Basah Road & Nicoll Highway

h7 h8

[7] LAN gaming capital of Singapore: Katong Shopping Centre [8] journey's end: full moon over e Caltex gas station

[270104] Sharon's wedding on 030104:

SPS 98/99 girls >2 years before (left) & >2 years later (right):

asps-grad2 030104

laoda + wife + few tables' worth of SPSians at laoda's wedding dinner on 100104:


SPS 98/99 batch 'representatives':


NTU wushu display earlier in e afternoon of 100104:


had to pull off another one of those change-in-hotel-loo 'transformations' ;)

SPS CNY dinner at Chinatown on 130104:


[ filed under: 9_lives_2004 + cats1 + thewonderingstraycat ]