Interruption to normal programming over. Back to the Vientiane 2007 trip.
Instead of animals like the lion (Singapore, Netherlands, UK, etc), tiger (Singapore & Malaysia), unicorn (UK), pelican (
Barbados), leopard (
Somalia), swordfish (
Seychelles), parrot (
St Lucia), antelope (Namibia), flamingo (
Bahamas), elephant (
Swaziland) & kangaroo & emu (
Australia) as supporters on the national
coat of arms...

...Laos has bundles of rice framing her national emblem, placing it among countries that favour plants instead e.g. her Communist counterparts Cuba (
oak & laurel), China (
rice & wheat), Vietnam (
more rice) & North Korea (
even more rice).
Where female immigration officers wear long olive green sinh:

Speaking of immigration officers - the cat had to wait for one multi-tasking guy to insert a 'non-original' CD of music files into his work computer & start copying them to the hard drive before he would process its passport & arrival card. Interesting to see one's passport details being keyed into the immigration department computer system with 'Copying...X.MP3 / From 'A' to 'B' / X Minutes Remaining' & the animation of
white files flying out from left yellow folder into right yellow folder in the Windows progress dialog box in the background :P
Through bus windows in need of a good wipe - duty-free shops at the Lao side of the Friendship Bridge:

Photos taken on 03 Aug 2007The cat learnt that 'Hair-flon' is the Lao transliteration of the American cosmetic/skincare product brandname Revlon :P
Along Tha Deua Road from the Friendship Bridge to Vientiane city centre:

Photos taken on 03 Aug 2007
Been a long time since the cat has enjoyed the sight of lush green rainy season rice fields. In recent years all trips to areas where rice is cultivated have been during the dry season. Took a while before it realised/remembered that all those large oval-ish depressions in the mud that it saw beside the Udon Thani-Nong Khai highway were made by water buffalos lying of those useless little bits of childhood observations filed away somewhere in the cat's brain.

First impressions of Vientiane - rice fields, roadworks, garment a much dustier version of what's on the opposite bank of the Mekong, albeit with much fewer private vehicles (apart from motorbikes), concrete being mixed by hand-operated machines instead of concrete mixer trucks, plus a big fat Beer Lao factory...