August 18, 2005

post from e lab: stuff used

out of boh liao-ness again - list of reagents used so far this week:

DMEM+FBS(non-HI)+AMA, SF DMEM, 1XPBS(Ca++ & Mg++ free), 1XPBS+10%Tween20, 1%BSA/PBS, 4%PFA, mouse anti-HA 1'Ab, goat anti-(cannot be revealed) 1'Ab, TRITC-phalloidin, Alexa488 goat anti-mouse IgG, Alexa647 donkey anti-mouse IgG, Cy5 donkey anti-goat IgG, FLUOPREP, nail varnish, immersion oil, BDv3.1, 10uM T7 promoter fwd, Taq pol, 10XTaq buffer, 2mM dNTP, 10uM (cannot be revealed)NcoI-aa107, 10uM (cannot be revealed)NcoI-aa149, 10uM (cannot be revealed)NcoI-aa189, 10uM (cannot be revealed)XhoI3'rev, 10XNEB buffer 2, HindIII, XhoI, NcoI, 10XBSA, MQ, NEB 100bp DNA ladder, NEB 1kb DNA ladder, 1XTAE, 1% agarose, QG, PB, PE, EB, T4 DNA ligase, 10X ligase buffer, mouse laminin, lipofectamine, & various GFP/EYFP/CA/DN/WT DNA constructs

any girls (or even guys!) who want to throw away clear nail varnish, please donate to e cat instead (nope, not for use on cat claws).

[ filed under: labrat ]

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