February 04, 2007

chiangrai 2005 - 28 Phayao cultural exhibition hall

[201205] walking north along the highway to the Phayao Cultural Exhibition Hall:


the novice monk selling admission tickets charged the cat the local price & YK the foreigner price...! a total of 60 baht got us pamphlets with Thai & English wording:

Elephants have been relation to Buddhism and the royal institute.At present, whom is Elephant related to ?

& 4 bookmarks featuring a photo of a senior monk, lines of what looks like beautiful Lanna Thai script, & the following English text:

Work to be fit for seasons and to reach usefulness for all depends on far-sightedness. Good eyesight leads to far-sightedness.

2 floors of rooms house comprehensive exhibits on the history, geology, & ecology of the lake, the different periods of Phayao's rich history & the Phukamyao kingdom, & the role of elephants in Thai religion, monarchy & society. the area around the staircase landing where photography is permitted:


a well-maintained & curated place, drastically different from the neglected Thai Lue culture centre in Chiang Kham =P

due to some sort of gall?


[L] normal flower [R] abnormal 'multiple inflorescence'?

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