February 09, 2008

290407 Chinatown - 01

Because I am afraid that I will forget because one day it will be gone because this is Singapore a place that does not tolerate the old & economically non-viable:


Because I never expected I would ever get to see the rainbow flag displayed in public because this is Singapore a place that does not tolerate the non-conformist:


The cat has a big fat rainbow koi nobori, a souvenir from a San Francisco Chinatown toy store that sold it as street decorations for the city's LGBT pride parade:


San Francisco was where the cat first saw a rainbow flag, flying high above the Castro MUNI subway station. No matter the colour of the fish, as long as it makes good catfood, it is a good fish...cats don't discriminate ;)

Inspired by: 不管白猫、黑猫,逮住老鼠就是好猫。
No matter if it is a white cat or a black cat; as long as it can catch mice, it is a good cat. - the Sichuan proverb popularised by Deng Xiaoping.

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