January 20, 2006

cardboard film

to those who are running endless SDS-PAGEs+transfers+Westerns+ECLs, something to laugh about e next time you do it....

one of e honours students doing Western + ECL yesterday evening:

WHY can you help me? why is it e film cannot go into e machine? & it is all wet? & there is nothing [no signal]....does it matter which way you put it into e machine?

e cat peers at e wet sheet of white cardboard with a corner snipped off in his gloved hands

this is cardboard not X-ray film....

granted it was his first time doing it alone. but e cat still laughed until whiskers can drop *evil grin*

X I think you took e cardboard backing instead of e X-ray film [out of e box]....man you are sooooo CUTE!

in its short 5+ years of doing Westerns/autoradiography, e cat has never come across anything like this....2 pieces of cardboard & 20+ pieces of film in e box & he had to take e cardboard out =P

(for e record e cat later made sure that he learnt how to tell/feel/hear e difference between unexposed X-ray film & cardboard in e darkroom)

[ filed under: labrat ]

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