April 03, 2005

[010405] at Arts

maybe it's e 4 years spent in e Department of Biological Sciences - kena stunned when I saw e words 'field trip' here on e Old Admin block 4th floor noticeboard in NUS:


as we climbed down e stairs to e ground floor of e Old Admin block, this fella & my sis gave each other a big fat shock when she almost stepped on it:


a tiny little skink on e edge of a staircase step. e last time I'd seen a skink in NUS was when one dashed from e road, across my path on e pavement & into e grass verge one rainy night. e biggest fattest giant I saw was on a rock at Ton Sai waterfall in Phuket - e body was as thick as my wrist & e snout-vent length was longer than my forearm.

[ filed under: 9_lives_2005 + nature1 ]

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