April 13, 2005

ruak ruak

on e way to get lunch, spotted a white-breasted waterhen (Amaurornis phoenicurus aka ruak ruak) & its young (all black in colour) at e patch of grass beside e Portsdown road entrance to e Fusionpolis construction site behind e INSEAD campus.

third time in approx a week that I've spotted them at e same place =) like e rollerskating pandas in e KitKat TV advert, they will venture out only when e Fusionpolis site construction workers have settled down in e shade of e trees to nap after lunch, & dart back into e safety of e bushes at e first sign of a human waking up.

used to spot a pair of white-breasted waterhens on e slope of Kent Ridge behind block S2 when taking e stairs leading down to e Department of Biological Sciences 3rd floor aquarium on my way from KE7 hall to class or when walking from Arts to Science via Kent Ridge road. e slope behind block S2 was a nice quiet little green patch of NUS that reminded me of e surroundings of KE7 hall in e halcyon pre-PGP days =) haven't been back for quite some time, no idea if it's still e same.

[ filed under: 9_lives_2005 + nature1 ]

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